
About Faith Baptist School

Meet Our Faculty
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:15

Our Values

Training and Education
The responsibility for the training and education of our children was given by the Lord to parents. Parental responsibilities are detailed in numerous passages, including the book of Proverbs, Deuteronomy 6, and Colossians 2:8. The responsibility and charge to preach sound doctrine and to preserve the truth of God’s Word was given by God to the pastor and the church.These responsibilites are noted, as well as in other passages, in Ephesians 4:12-15 and I Timothy 3:15. These two institutions, established by God are to work together to train the child. To provide for this, Faith Baptist Church in Salisbury, MD founded Faith Baptist School so that its members and those of like faith and practice in the surrounding area might place their children in a institution where the parent and school focus on Biblicaly founded principles of education and discipline.
Christ-Centered Living
The goal of Faith Baptist School, as a ministry of Faith Baptist Church, is to help the family prepare their children to live a Christ-centered life. Beginning with the Word of God, Faith Baptist School seeks to instill in its students a Christian worldview. Through this context our students are instructed in academics and all other disciplines necessary to the complete training of the college bound graduate. We believe “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10) and that all subjects should be taught in the light of the Scriptures. This school is dedicated to reaching children for Christ, grounding them in the faith, and sending them out as well-trained Christian leaders of tomorrow capable of serving the Lord in whatever capacity he calls them. We pursue excellence for the cause of Christ.
Holistic Education
As Christian parents realize, there are many influences upon the lives of their children other than themselves. Perhaps the greatest of influences centers around their education. When the emphasis of the Christian home is contradicted, as may be the case, real conflicts arise. It is for this reason we have gone to great effort and expense to provide a Christian education that excels in academic and spiritual instruction by using a Christ-centered curriculum in a Christian environment. By instilling in our young people the proper Christian philosophy of life, we strive not merely to prepare young people for making a living, but we strive to prepare them for living. Students at FBS not only train academically but also spiritually, athletically, musically, and dramatically to serve their God wherever He may call them. In all disciplines, FBS would have its students pursue their utmost for Him.
Besides our spiritual concerns, Faith Baptist School is an unbeatable financial option for the family wishing to place their student in an established educational facility. With over thirty years of private, Christian education experience on the Delmarva Peninsula, Faith Baptist School offers an academically rigorous education at an affordable price. Recent studies of peer institutions surrounding FBS as far as an hour away conclude that, in most cases, FBS is several thousands of dollars less expensive merely in tuition. This disparagement does not represent a lack of effective faculty members, rather it tells of the financial burden accepted gladly by Faith Baptist Church and its members to house the school as well as faculty members to pursue Christ’s work rather than “great riches.”
Read Our Doctrinal Statement

Our History

In the early eighties, Faith Baptist Church found itself in the same position as many other conservative, Biblically based churches in the United States. With the continuing secularization of public education in the late nineteen seventies, including the removal of God from not only the curriculum but from the entire public education system, an abundance of Christian families, deacons, and pastors felt that the church was capable of providing a solution to such an egregious issue.

The need for a conservative and Biblically sound education to compliment and not detract from the Biblical teaching parents were giving their children at home became a necessary and glaring problem in the eyes of Pastor Reinert and other members of Faith Baptist Church. In 1983, with seventeen students enrolled, Faith Baptist School opened its doors. Kindergarten through sixth grade were the first grades offered. The school’s first administrator, Mark Jago, Mrs. Martha Wood, and Mrs. Kim Sterling made up the school’s original faculty. Mr. Jago was responsible for choosing the Falcon as the school’s mascot as well as the grey and maroon color scheme, the same characteristics our students take pride in today.

In the school’s second year its student population doubled; this was a “big encouragement” according to Pastor Reinert. Himself teaching the small school’s initial Math and Bible courses, Pastor Reinert remained an integral part of the faculty and even now fills the role of the secondary advanced math teacher. Each successive year following its inception, the school would add a new grade until it reached the full compliment it retains today. God has truly blessed Faith Baptist School with families, students, faculty, and administration to keep it a viable educational option here on the Eastern Shore for the last thirty years!

In 2012, Faith Baptist School began renewing the focus on attaining youthful teaching candidates and providing them with the resources, including experienced mentors, to achieve excellence in the classroom. While names like Mr. Ron Rice, Mrs. Linda Reinert, Mr. John Jochum, Mrs. Carol Brown, Miss Fretz, Mr. Merritt Price, Mrs. Taylor, and Miss Sally Bosaw (Mrs. Lager) slowly gave way to the next wave of educators. The tenor of academic excellence has not diminished in the slightest. The pursuit of His best for our students remains paramount.

In 2013, Mark Zockoll took the reigns from Mr. Ron Rice as the 5th administrator of Faith Baptist school. 5 years later, Mr. Matthew George officially became the 6th, receiving the administrator’s stole from Mark Zockoll at the graduation ceremony on May 26th for the class of 2018.